Do you know that as much as you may pride yourself, to be an individual that does whatever you want, you are a follower? You comply to certain guidelines because built in you, is the need to feel accepted.
You want to fit in, to have friends and to be liked. Those are, by no means, a bad thing. However, what is the cost? How much of yourself are you giving away to others to maintain that feeling to belong?
Many women fall into the trap of abuse because they want the security of being loved by a man. Their cost is the abuse of their self-esteem, their heart and the use of their bodies.
Your worth should never be lowered for the security of having a man. If anything, it should increase exponentially because you have the bling going on in the inside.
What is that? It looks like this.
All your incredible qualities radiate. Your personality attracts. Your heart overflows with goodness. Your stride is elegant and your command in a room is powerful. Any man would be proud to have the privilege to call you a life partner; but your man, whether now or in the future, understands that to have you, to be chosen by you is a gift.
Do not cheapen yourself by being a follower and lowering your high standards to fit into another's bad mold. You are a gem, a woman worth the wait. Be choosy, be picky and (snaps fingers in z formation), be a splendid diva...always for the better.
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