A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Got Natas?

Spanish coffee lovers usually do not tolerate natas. Our coffees are not lattes. They resemble an espresso but have a distinct flavor, aroma and taste. The boiled (not steamed) milk is a big contributor. If you serve coffee with natas, most Hispanics will get disgruntled and if they happen to be family members, they will immediately return their cup and ask for another.

Nata is the thick film that floats to the top after you have boiled milk. If you’re like me, you find it to be nasty and remove it quickly before you pour the milk into your coffee.

As I boiled milk this morning for my coffee, I thought about all of the natas that God wants us to scoop out of our lives.
Natas - the junk that floats up during a hot situation.

Natas - the stuff we don’t recognize, don’t want to look at, don’t care to admit, hide, dress up, are proud of, get fueled by, use as a protection, use as an excuse, believe, accept and live with.

So what are some of life’s natas?
  •  The pin of hate that is worn as a badge of honor.
  • Angry thoughts and/or feelings that linger forever and have no expiration date.
  • Being sensitive towards certain things when we should’ve gotten over it already.
  • Carrying the torch for someone who has left ions ago and was not worth it.
  • The green shade of jealousy that has taken hold of our wardrobe.
  • The common ache from the disease called Comparison Syndrome.
  • The Ghost of Insecurity that hangs around like a faithful companion.
  • The common middle name….Procrastination.
  • When no choice has become our excuse.
  • When we still hear the computer sound wave – “unworthy, unworthy” as we look in the mirror.
  • The lost of control that shows in our gut and hips.
  • Keeping friends who influence us negatively.
  • Beating ourselves up when God doesn’t know what we’re talking about.
  • When being critical has made us age.
  • Being an attention junkie and unable to kick the habit.
  • When we live to please and please and please.
  • When control freaks bow down and worship us.
  • Respect is only displayed when coerced.
  • Self-esteem needs to be scraped off of our shoes from time to time.
  • Love is only about what we get.
  • No is not part of our vocabulary.
  • The fear of … (fill in the blank).
Now there are those who don’t mind the natas. Some will push it to the side. Others will actually drink it. So what happens when we do that with life’s natas? When we push something to the side, it never gets corrected. When we drink it, have accepted it as part of our lives, it never gets addressed.

Junk that float up the top is an indicator that there is something harmful that is holding us back. We have the option to push it to the side, continue to drink or scoop it out completely. There’s always a choice when it comes to the quality of our lives.

It takes courage to continuously change and want change. I hope that each time you look at your coffee, you’re reminded of the pleasantries of life and how removing the natas can make your cup that much better.

Oh hail to coffee without natas and life without the same!

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