A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Cool of the Day

There’s something very peaceful about waking up to steady rainfall, window opened with a soft, cool breeze. It soothes the entry of the day. Eyes closed, the mind begins to wander, imagine and remember.

One thing that stands out in my mind are the countless walks I had with my dad as a young girl. Being the oldest, I was his buddy. If you know my dad, he LOVES to talk…and walk. Although we couldn’t afford to take expensive vacations, he made it a point to take us to all the places NY had to offer tourists. He took full advantage and made our trips adventurous, fun and of course educational. My dad’s trade of heart is teacher.

In my late teen years, my dad used to miss our walks and would leave me notes on the table that I would see some mornings asking that I spend time with him. Those notes became very important to me.

Those memories help me understand what it must have felt like being in the garden of Eden. Here it is in the cool of the day, in this case it was the end of the day, and God seeks out Adam and Eve for their walk. They all look forward to this time together because they want to tell each out about all that has transpired hours before. I can imagine that the conversation may have resembled one that may happen at dinner table.

Do you know what I saw today???

You know, Adam brought up this really great point…

What were you thinking when you created that thing?!

Everyone in that intimate party looked forward to each other’s company. I can even imagine Eve slipping her arm into God’s – as she walked with him and shared her heart. Why not? Didn’t he himself say that we are his children? I did it with my dad, still do when I walk and talk with him…why wouldn’t Eve?

It’s the cool of the day (in my neck of the woods) and my imagination has taken me into the place that reminded me how way cool it is that the God of the universe wants to spend time with me. That’s all he ever wanted. It was never about my do’s and don’ts or what I could do to earn his love. It was always about his just wanting to talk and walk with me, arm in arm.

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