A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Monday, June 8, 2020

You're My Girl

Some times, I have the privilege to come along side one of the gals and become their cheer leader within part of their journey. The other day, one of my grasshoppers called and shared a story that warmed my heart. Like many others during this time, she experienced incredible economic hardship. I have to admit that there were times that I was at a loss for words and I even questioned God and asked why He couldn’t move faster. That probably sounds a bit daring on my part, but if you have relationship, real relationship, you understand that it is not done out of disrespect – frustration perhaps but never disrespect.

What is it that puts you in that place where you can question but trust God at the same time? It’s relationship…not surfacey relationship…not rescue me…but the real deep I can’t live without you type of deal. It’s when you get to the place of - Even if it gets real bad, it’s gonna be okay as long as you’re with me. That’s Mia. There were times where things were ugly and she would always come back after one of her rants and say but I trust God…it will work together for good. And I would reply many times, I can’t wait until the day you give me the good news of the miracle that God has done in your life. I would take it further and assure her that one day I would…and I did.

When I heard the excited voice on the other line, I knew. I had a smile probably as big as Mia’s on my face. She recanted about her interviews but what caught my attention were three little words. It just echoed in my soul. Before she entered into her second round of interviews where she was going to be bombarded with tough questions by six executives, Mia had taken ill. She pleaded and was desperate to hear from God. Right before going in, she heard His voice clearly. “Let’s go in there and show them what a blessing you are to them. You’re my girl.” Immediately she felt peace and her spasms subsided.

What is it that moves the heart of God to say “You’re my girl?” I think it’s the same thing that moved Him when he said “This is my son with whom I am well pleased."

Many of us feel that God can’t think of us in that way because we measure ourselves against our faults instead of His grace. But when you have relationship – true relationship – you can’t help but feel God smile upon you. You feel it each morning as you greet the creator of the universe. You feel it during the day through others. You feel it when you live your purpose daily. You can’t help but feel it as you say goodnight, grateful for another day.

“You’re my girl” reverberated in my soul. It reminds me that each day He celebrates me, even when I’m unaware. It reminds me that even when there is no rhyme or reason, when life sucks and things don’t go my way, I’m His girl. He didn’t say atta-girl or that’s-a-girl like some of my friends do. He made it very personal and said “You’re ‘my’ girl."

I love intangible gifts. They seem to stay with you forever. This reminder is one of the best of them and the greatest gift for me is that I got to write about it. =)

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