Have you ever had that type of moment? I know I have.
I have resembled one of those toddlers and let’s just say I’m glad God is not Puerto Rican.
I have resembled one of those toddlers and let’s just say I’m glad God is not Puerto Rican.
A few years ago, I was really peeved with God because he allowed my husband to have a heart attack. As time progressed, my anger became a toddler fit. I think God got more than an earful to be honest with you.
I remember thinking, I want to be immune. There is no reason why we should go through problems or illness. I’m supposed to be special, your favorite….what’s up with that. (I know God must have been laughing at me at that point.)
God is so gracious. He knew that eventually I would shut up, and I would listen to him and get it. I needed to get a grip. Life is too short for drawn out tantrums. So here are some things that I knew but didn’t want to hear during my toddler fit. I'm thinking they will help you too.
1. You and I are not immune to anything on this earth; nada, zero, zip. Somehow we forget that there is evil in this world whose goal is to take us out.
2. All things work together for good. I don’t care how bad it is, God will always step in and will bring good out of any situation. It’s been my experience that the worst tragedy in life has brought the sweetest mending.
3. If you don’t get anything else straight in your head, get this one thing in case you didn’t get my first point. God does not bring illness or death. Everything negative is as a result of sin. It freaks me out when people say oh God took him. The last time I checked, the only person who was taken went in a chariot straight on up to heaven and he bypassed – and YES....waved as he passed the very shocked demon of death.
4. God is on his throne and he is in control. Some of you don’t get and this is why you live so frustrated. As long as God is on the throne of ‘your’ heart, he remains in control of ‘your’ situation.
5. If God is in control of the situation, no matter how bad it gets, it will – it has to turn out alright at the end. This will give you peace, no matter what the outcome is. You will always be rescued.
6. Here’s the big question…so why do bad things happen to good people? Go back to point one. You can sit and get lost in this question for the rest of your life…or…you can decide to make the rest of your life the best it can be by adjusting your attitude and expectation. Expect good even in the worst of circumstance.
7. Here’s a reminder. This journey here on earth is just a short stint. We are eternal beings. What drives the enemy insane is that he knows that…so…he throws in the misery factor in too in the meantime. If you want to fight right, be happy.
The one thing that stood out the most is that God allows adversity because it will always make you grow. It will put you in a place where you are more sensitive to hear, receive, learn, acknowledge and understand. It stretches and challenges you to become a better you and to depend on God just a bit more. Note I didn’t say God brings it – he allows it – and if he allows it, he has much trust that you can get through it.