A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Monday, July 6, 2015


Beautiful. The word that is used to express how attractive something or someone is. It’s a word that often brings a smile to the lips of a woman. At times she can be taken aback or be dismissive, depending on the seriousness, the moment, the feelings that are enveloping her.

Beautiful describes the heart of many women who are selfless and give without expectation. Beautiful are those women who day after day, care for those they love. Beautiful are those women who teach each and every day through their actions and not just with their words. Yes beautiful.

Each day we are graced with beautiful women who allure those around her not by their physical nature but by the gentleness of their spirit and the enticement of their kind heart.

Beautiful is such a thrown-around word in society and equates to the curvaceous model that strides the runways. Perhaps that’s why our women no longer believe that phrase when addressed to them. The competition with gorgeous models makes one shrink when the natural inclination of an ordinary women’s mind goes automatically into comparison mode.

Beautiful is a word that lifts the spirit and elates the heart of the receiver.  It's the affirmation that every little girl, every young woman, every single woman regardless of age should receive throughout her lifetime. And yet, even when said, why does she still cringe and compare even when she knows logically that she shouldn’t?

Why not relish it, revel in it and accept it? Why not? What will she lose? What will you lose?  

Be beautiful. You are beautiful. Accept the compliment and pay it forward.  

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