A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Freedom in Forgiveness

The absence of an action when it comes to forgiveness means you have not extended the pardon required. Why is it required?  It is a process towards freedom.

Sometimes we wonder why God puts certain mandates and when one looks at the entire picture of life, there’s a realization that life in bondage is not living. With unforgiveness come resentment, anger and bitterness. All these things eat one up inside emotionally, physically and spiritually. It rages war on a person mentally. There is no good that comes from it.

When you surrender your will to hold a grudge, to hold one self or another hostage by punishment, you open up a door to receive love instead of the choice to harbor the ugliness called hate. The bible says that love covers a multitude of sin and that includes your own. Once you establish that no one is perfect, you become kinder towards the one person that is most important in your life.

Many people do not like the topic to forgive when it comes to themselves because it forces them to look within painful areas that have been dismissed or buried. The action required will cost them, but they fail to see the rewards they will reap because of it. Part of misery stems in unforgiveness. The person who constantly complains has not forgiven their inner person. The person who lives in resentment, hasn’t forgiven their choices. The person who whines about how unfair life is hasn’t extended grace to the face that reflects back in the mirror.

A step toward self-forgiveness is hard, but not impossible. It begins with saying the words “I forgive myself for” and inserting the words that have been buried perhaps for a life time. It requires a repeat of those words over and over again until it settles the heart and mind.

Not to accept forgiveness is hypocrisy.  It is a slap in God’s face when you use that excuse.

Today I challenge you to begin the process of freedom. Don’t let the difficulty or the temporary ugliness of it deter you. Be brave and know that the outcome is for your good, your growth and ultimately, for your freedom. 

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