A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Your Deadheading Girlfriends

I was pinching back, or what they call deadheading in the gardening world, the flowers in the baskets in the front of the house. If you've ever done this, you know that it can take a long time. The more flowers there are, the more you have to pinch off. You're not touching the healthy blooms. You're only pulling off the faded and dead ones.

I began to think about how our lives mimic these plants and the care that needs to go into them. You and I, need to care for ourselves and one of the greatest ways we can do this is by having an inner circle of friends...a tribe, that is not afraid to be one of your deadheading girlfriends.I know you're wondering what in the world is that?!

I imagine a deadheading girlfriend to be the one that tells you the truth even when you don't want to hear it. They're very careful though, not in the sense tip toeing around your feelings, but in the timing and delivery of their message.

In order for this to happen and since this within the sacred space of friendship, the women you choose can't be just any girlfriend. They have to be someone that can be trusted, loved and love in return. Your inner circle, your tribe is so important. They are the ones who will love you to your next step. This doesn't mean that they will agree with everything you say or do, but they will be your loudest cheerleader and your greatest support. They will also be your best critics and will tell you when you need to let go of the dead weight of faded yesterdays or dead hopes.

If you don't have some deadheading girlfriends, it's time to cultivate and nurture you some. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

Love32 is a series of blogs, videos and posts that will raise awareness and will invite you to do life better. It will coax you to think or rethink certain areas in your life, and how you may want to change, embrace or do more. 

You can read more about the Love32 Series below or click on the Love32 Series link on the right hand side to see all of the blogs under this series.