There is greatness in all of us, but it requires us to tap into the source. God has given us each of us...the ability to do and to do in greatness. What you decide, determines the size of your greatness. If you do small, your greatness will be in the small. If you decide to go full force, your greatness will follow.
Choose Greatness
It is in the choice where greatness shines. So if that is the case, then the celebration of becoming should be ever-constant, ever-evolving and ever-present. You may ask, why evolving? It's because celebrations are not all the same. How boring and predictable would that be? We celebrate in different ways and for different reasons. Take for instance your birthday. The greatness, the significance of your day is celebrated, so is the greatness of you, your love and your presence. It's a celebration of you at that moment in time. With age, your celebrations evolve, change in order to make your greatness known and shared.
You are great and you have greatness within you. It's not based on a feeling but you can be blinded by a lie someone created of you,
and that you have created for yourself.
The shine of your greatness will always break through the darkness and will help you get glimpses enticing you to live the truth - your truth - the design within you deposited by Almighty God. That greatness within you is something that no one can take away. No one but you can relinquish this gift because of doubt, unbelief or self-loathing. The last one is hard to hear, but it's one of the main reasons why people give up their greatness. They get tired and dislike who they are. Is that you?
Self-love...self-love is an important ingredient. (Yes, I repeated it twice for emphasis.) How do you practice this? How do you love you and ensure that you continually live in your greatness?
Find out as we dive into the journey of Love32.
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