A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Disregard of the Most Important Girl

Did you know that the most important girl in your world is you? Yet, you disregard her constantly. Don't worry you're in great company. You and I are in that same boat.

If you're a mom, you put your kids first. If you're a wife or have a significant other, you put them first. If you have anyone that you take care of, you often put them first. For some reason we constantly put others ahead of ourselves.

Why do we do that?

We are nurturers and many of us are people pleasers...and yes I included me! I do have to say that I am getting better with trying not to please everyone because it's an impossible, up-mountain battle. You can never please everyone. Someone will always complain or murmur or point out what you didn't do for them. Soooo...

What about you?

We can be are our own worst enemies because of disregard. We disregard our appointments, our health, our wardrobe, our looks and we disregard our spirit gal. We go by the mantra of "I  am woman, hear me roar" but inside, we really sound like that whirly-pissed off cat who is annoyed with everyone, including ourselves. We can't seem to get it together because in our minds, we're supposed to "be all" and "do all."

It's a lie...a myth that many have bought into. You and I can't be all and do all, and the person who pays for it is...you guessed it is YOU. The disregard happens subtlety and over time and you get used to it. You gauge progress by what you've done and who you are to those important to you, but that gauge does not include you...the most important girl. By now you're probably asking...

How do I fix this?

Do not disregard you. Make an appointment for yourself in that busy schedule of yours and make it a habit to keep it. Keep up with your check ups. Make time for the bubble baths or (semi) long hot showers. Make sure you learn how to slap on a decent make up face in record time. Schedule time with girlfriends for coffee, movies, dinner or shopping, but most urgently needed, schedule time with Papa God. Talk to Him throughout your day and remember your faithful companion, Holy Spirit.

You're probably shaking your head and saying that's a lot. Honestly, is it?

We make time and priority for a mile-long list of things that are important to us or that need to be done. Here's a reality check. The care of you is part of the needs to be done. Don't disregard the most important girl in the world. Don't disregard you. Love you first, then all other things by default will fall into its rightful place.

Love32 is a series of blogs, videos and posts that will raise awareness and will invite you to do life better. It will coax you to think or rethink certain areas in your life, and how you may want to change, embrace or do more. 

You can read more about the Love32 Series below or click on the Love32 Series link on the right hand side to see all of the blogs under this series.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Carelessness of Spirit

These are the topics that I don't necessarily like to write about because who wants to read or hear about them???? But reality is that we live in a world where we constantly need to take inventory of who we are, not only on the outside but the inside as well. We look at our physical health, our abilities - whether we are skilled enough or not. We look at finances and relationships, but we hardly look at the spirit person inside who is, in actuality, the real person that we are.

Our spirit is everlasting. God has placed part of His eternal DNA inside of us. Unlike Him who is eternal, meaning He is not a created being, we were created and given the gift of living forever. Your body will die one day and decay, but your spirit will continue. If that is the case, why is that we treat our spirit in a careless manner. Carelessness of spirit is something we all suffer from. Our spirit is often ignored, taken for granted or not cared for. We think that our conscientiousness is all we are comprised of, but there's another part of you that is longing for the attention so desperately needed.

Your spirit needs to be fed, needs to be exercised and needs guidance from a Spirit that is greater and wiser. When Jesus left, He sent his replacement, Holy Spirit. Often we think of Holy Spirit as a mystical mist that hangs around, but did you know that Holy Spirit dwells in you. His job is to make sure you care for your spirit in partnership with Him.

Notice I didn't say "the" Holy Spirit. I purposely said Holy Spirit without "the"  because that is His name. He is a person. He so longs to be part of your life and wants so much to see you thrive and live in abundance, but you gotta care for your spirit person. Feed your spirit the word. Grow the muscles by reading, listening and applying.

Let's not be careless about our spirit person. It's the only one we got  and your spirit will live forever and wants to look good when you get home.

(And yes, I know I used bad grammar twice, but you got the point!)

Love32 is a series of blogs, videos and posts that will raise awareness and will invite you to do life better. It will coax you to think or rethink certain areas in your life, and how you may want to change, embrace or do more. 

You can read more about the Love32 Series below or click on the Love32 Series link on the right hand side to see all of the blogs under this series.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Unlikely Sabotager of Hopes and Dreams

When you hear the word sabotage, you usually don't apply it to, or think about it towards yourself. Usually, you are able to talk about it or mention it about another person. Let's face it. It's easier! :) But...did you know that we sabotage ourselves, sometimes daily, about stuff. That stuff can be important or minor in our eyes.

Your routine can sabotage what you're supposed to be really be doing. Let's say you were supposed to do a paper in two weeks, but you scheduled all sorts of activities that will not allow you the necessary time for research and writing. You may call that procrastination but you are also being the unlikely sabotager. I say unlikely because you probably wouldn't use that term or even consider yourself in that light, or should we say negative-truth.

Look at your life. Look at the different areas, hopes and dreams that you have not accomplished. If you would honestly take a good look at your do, you would see that you sabotaged making your hopes, dreams and goals become a reality.

Sabotage can look like watching more TV than you should. Being on social media for minutes that become hours when added up. Sleeping later than you should and not gaining an hour in your day to focus on doing steps towards your dream. Not picking up that book, or picking up that book and not reading it because you don't have time, when you know in reality, you're not making time. Not going to that class, that seminar or conference.

You and I are the unlikely sabotager of our hopes and dreams. We don't do it intentionally, but we do it each and every day. However, we can change that. We can become purposeful in our planning and then stick with it. We can become accountable so that we stay the course. We can want our dreams so bad, that we can taste it. We don't have to sabotage our hopes and dreams any more. Come on...let's do this!

Love32 is a series of blogs, videos and posts that will raise awareness and will invite you to do life better. It will coax you to think or rethink certain areas in your life, and how you may want to change, embrace or do more.