A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Friday, November 29, 2019

What are You Doing with Your Angels?

Angels are talked about often. Most times, people have been made aware of their guardian angel. However, the angelic realm goes far beyond that. 

In Jesus' prayer in Matthew 6, He mentions "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, ON EARTH as it is IN HEAVEN." That is a pretty good indicator that earth is to operate like heaven. Some may believe that statement was from the time that Jesus was on earth forward, but that is not the case. The moment God put Adam and Eve in the garden, He established government and since God created heaven, it is safe to believe that He established His government on earth the same as in Heaven. (Check out Genesis 1:26-28.)

What I find interesting, is that when you look at the people of Israel and were established as nation, they had no king. It was known that God was their king. Under his dominion, there were 12 tribes. Each tribe had certain characteristics and responsibilities. If earth mimics heaven in its establishment of government, there are then different tribes of angels in heaven, since they were the ones who lived with God before we (humans) came into the picture. 

We often hear of the messenger angels like when Daniel was fasting and waiting for an interpretation or when Mary had the announcement of her being the mother of the Messiah. But, there were also warrior angels. 

The angel that delivered the message to Daniel said he was delayed and so Michael had to intervene and do some fighting so that he could get through. 

There are guardian angels but we think of them as little floating babes when in Genesis the angels that were put in front of Eden to guard it had flaming swords. 

There are ministering angels that we hear came to Jesus after his temptation and to Elijah when he was in a deep depression because Jezebel wanted his head. (Women can be evil at times. j/k...not) 

There is an invisible realm with lots of activity around us that we are unaware of, but God wants us to have more sensitivity to that realm. He wants us to be aware that we are not alone and that we have a lot of backing. We have angels at our disposal. (Psalm 103:19-22, Hebrews 1:14, Matthew 18:10, Exodus 23:20, Psalm 91:11-12) It is worth reminding you that 3/4 of the angels stayed behind and chose God as sovereign ruler. 

Your angels are not some floating, fat-little babies. There are some angels that look pretty darn scary. (Check out their description in Revelation.) They understand what is at stake and their mission is to protect, guard, fight and minister to you. So...what are you doing with your angels? Are you using them or boring them to death? Are you giving them a reason to worship God along side of you, or are they having to cover their eyes because you're not living a righteous life? Are you keeping your angels busy? Are you releasing them on assignments to tear down strongholds, break curses, or minister to a family member or friend? Again, what are you doing with your angels?

If we would ask God to open our eyes to see the spirit realm, it would be scary. Most of us would want to stay blissfully ignorant and blind to the reality of what is going on in the spirit realm. 

Many struggle in life because they don't tap into it. They don't believe that they deserve that type of protection because of behavior or thoughts that they participate in. Is that you? The truth of the matter is that you are assigned angels. How many you gain over the years depends on your activities in the spirit realm. 

We focus on what we see, but God puts merit and worth to the unseen. When you love, the ripple effects are established and experienced for generations, as a matter of fact, for eternity. Whenever you do something out of love that shows compassion or brings healing, it is a catalyst for change that's felt in the spirit realm all the way to heaven...not just around this earth. Your angels are patiently waiting for you to send them to resolve, fight or bring comfort and healing to those around you far and wide. Are you using them? 

You are not to pray to angels. An angel from the Most High God would not allow it. They give glory and honor only to Him and would not take it. Only demons would accept that from you. When you're decreeing and declaring, you're also commanding. You're commanding a situation to be, even though at the present time it may not be. We have been given dominion. It was restored when Jesus rose from the dead and handed dominion back to us. You have the right as the daughter or son of the Most High God to command angels to do what they so long and want to do for you. Are you using them? What are you doing with your angels?

My prayer today is that you get deep revelation, that you can see this unknown fact in a dramatic way that it changes your life forever. Your angels are waiting for you, and the more you put them to work, and the more you step up into faith, the more will be added to you. We often hear, new level...new devil. How about instead we focus on, new level...more angels. Put your angels to work today. They're waiting. 

Monday, July 15, 2019

Your Deadheading Girlfriends

I was pinching back, or what they call deadheading in the gardening world, the flowers in the baskets in the front of the house. If you've ever done this, you know that it can take a long time. The more flowers there are, the more you have to pinch off. You're not touching the healthy blooms. You're only pulling off the faded and dead ones.

I began to think about how our lives mimic these plants and the care that needs to go into them. You and I, need to care for ourselves and one of the greatest ways we can do this is by having an inner circle of friends...a tribe, that is not afraid to be one of your deadheading girlfriends.I know you're wondering what in the world is that?!

I imagine a deadheading girlfriend to be the one that tells you the truth even when you don't want to hear it. They're very careful though, not in the sense tip toeing around your feelings, but in the timing and delivery of their message.

In order for this to happen and since this within the sacred space of friendship, the women you choose can't be just any girlfriend. They have to be someone that can be trusted, loved and love in return. Your inner circle, your tribe is so important. They are the ones who will love you to your next step. This doesn't mean that they will agree with everything you say or do, but they will be your loudest cheerleader and your greatest support. They will also be your best critics and will tell you when you need to let go of the dead weight of faded yesterdays or dead hopes.

If you don't have some deadheading girlfriends, it's time to cultivate and nurture you some. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

Love32 is a series of blogs, videos and posts that will raise awareness and will invite you to do life better. It will coax you to think or rethink certain areas in your life, and how you may want to change, embrace or do more. 

You can read more about the Love32 Series below or click on the Love32 Series link on the right hand side to see all of the blogs under this series.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Disregard of the Most Important Girl

Did you know that the most important girl in your world is you? Yet, you disregard her constantly. Don't worry you're in great company. You and I are in that same boat.

If you're a mom, you put your kids first. If you're a wife or have a significant other, you put them first. If you have anyone that you take care of, you often put them first. For some reason we constantly put others ahead of ourselves.

Why do we do that?

We are nurturers and many of us are people pleasers...and yes I included me! I do have to say that I am getting better with trying not to please everyone because it's an impossible, up-mountain battle. You can never please everyone. Someone will always complain or murmur or point out what you didn't do for them. Soooo...

What about you?

We can be are our own worst enemies because of disregard. We disregard our appointments, our health, our wardrobe, our looks and we disregard our spirit gal. We go by the mantra of "I  am woman, hear me roar" but inside, we really sound like that whirly-pissed off cat who is annoyed with everyone, including ourselves. We can't seem to get it together because in our minds, we're supposed to "be all" and "do all."

It's a lie...a myth that many have bought into. You and I can't be all and do all, and the person who pays for it is...you guessed it is YOU. The disregard happens subtlety and over time and you get used to it. You gauge progress by what you've done and who you are to those important to you, but that gauge does not include you...the most important girl. By now you're probably asking...

How do I fix this?

Do not disregard you. Make an appointment for yourself in that busy schedule of yours and make it a habit to keep it. Keep up with your check ups. Make time for the bubble baths or (semi) long hot showers. Make sure you learn how to slap on a decent make up face in record time. Schedule time with girlfriends for coffee, movies, dinner or shopping, but most urgently needed, schedule time with Papa God. Talk to Him throughout your day and remember your faithful companion, Holy Spirit.

You're probably shaking your head and saying that's a lot. Honestly, is it?

We make time and priority for a mile-long list of things that are important to us or that need to be done. Here's a reality check. The care of you is part of the needs to be done. Don't disregard the most important girl in the world. Don't disregard you. Love you first, then all other things by default will fall into its rightful place.

Love32 is a series of blogs, videos and posts that will raise awareness and will invite you to do life better. It will coax you to think or rethink certain areas in your life, and how you may want to change, embrace or do more. 

You can read more about the Love32 Series below or click on the Love32 Series link on the right hand side to see all of the blogs under this series.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Carelessness of Spirit

These are the topics that I don't necessarily like to write about because who wants to read or hear about them???? But reality is that we live in a world where we constantly need to take inventory of who we are, not only on the outside but the inside as well. We look at our physical health, our abilities - whether we are skilled enough or not. We look at finances and relationships, but we hardly look at the spirit person inside who is, in actuality, the real person that we are.

Our spirit is everlasting. God has placed part of His eternal DNA inside of us. Unlike Him who is eternal, meaning He is not a created being, we were created and given the gift of living forever. Your body will die one day and decay, but your spirit will continue. If that is the case, why is that we treat our spirit in a careless manner. Carelessness of spirit is something we all suffer from. Our spirit is often ignored, taken for granted or not cared for. We think that our conscientiousness is all we are comprised of, but there's another part of you that is longing for the attention so desperately needed.

Your spirit needs to be fed, needs to be exercised and needs guidance from a Spirit that is greater and wiser. When Jesus left, He sent his replacement, Holy Spirit. Often we think of Holy Spirit as a mystical mist that hangs around, but did you know that Holy Spirit dwells in you. His job is to make sure you care for your spirit in partnership with Him.

Notice I didn't say "the" Holy Spirit. I purposely said Holy Spirit without "the"  because that is His name. He is a person. He so longs to be part of your life and wants so much to see you thrive and live in abundance, but you gotta care for your spirit person. Feed your spirit the word. Grow the muscles by reading, listening and applying.

Let's not be careless about our spirit person. It's the only one we got  and your spirit will live forever and wants to look good when you get home.

(And yes, I know I used bad grammar twice, but you got the point!)

Love32 is a series of blogs, videos and posts that will raise awareness and will invite you to do life better. It will coax you to think or rethink certain areas in your life, and how you may want to change, embrace or do more. 

You can read more about the Love32 Series below or click on the Love32 Series link on the right hand side to see all of the blogs under this series.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Unlikely Sabotager of Hopes and Dreams

When you hear the word sabotage, you usually don't apply it to, or think about it towards yourself. Usually, you are able to talk about it or mention it about another person. Let's face it. It's easier! :) But...did you know that we sabotage ourselves, sometimes daily, about stuff. That stuff can be important or minor in our eyes.

Your routine can sabotage what you're supposed to be really be doing. Let's say you were supposed to do a paper in two weeks, but you scheduled all sorts of activities that will not allow you the necessary time for research and writing. You may call that procrastination but you are also being the unlikely sabotager. I say unlikely because you probably wouldn't use that term or even consider yourself in that light, or should we say negative-truth.

Look at your life. Look at the different areas, hopes and dreams that you have not accomplished. If you would honestly take a good look at your do, you would see that you sabotaged making your hopes, dreams and goals become a reality.

Sabotage can look like watching more TV than you should. Being on social media for minutes that become hours when added up. Sleeping later than you should and not gaining an hour in your day to focus on doing steps towards your dream. Not picking up that book, or picking up that book and not reading it because you don't have time, when you know in reality, you're not making time. Not going to that class, that seminar or conference.

You and I are the unlikely sabotager of our hopes and dreams. We don't do it intentionally, but we do it each and every day. However, we can change that. We can become purposeful in our planning and then stick with it. We can become accountable so that we stay the course. We can want our dreams so bad, that we can taste it. We don't have to sabotage our hopes and dreams any more. Come on...let's do this!

Love32 is a series of blogs, videos and posts that will raise awareness and will invite you to do life better. It will coax you to think or rethink certain areas in your life, and how you may want to change, embrace or do more. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Your Healing Reality

You won't hear anyone admit that a situation is hopeless unless it's really bad, but did you know that you could feel hopeless about something and not share it? You can feel hopeless about a child that does not receive correction. You can feel hopeless about financial messes that don't seem to end. You can feel hopeless about a significant relationship that is not giving you what you expect or deserve.

To live in hopelessness in one area, often spills over into other areas of our lives. It shows by how we respond or by how we live...as if there's a dark, stormy cloud circling over.

How do you move from hopelessness and into positive expectation?

It's all about mindset and what you will continue to accept as your negative or positive norm. You see hope will always spring up in your heart. It's up to you not to stop it from welling up until it overwhelms you. Sometimes guilt can creep up because you feel like you shouldn't entertain the feelings of hope, but did you know that those rays of sunshine are there to heal?

When you experience those rays within the crevices of your heart, it's your opportunity to widen the crevice so that more sunshine can pour through.

Often people are stuck because they don't put into practice the words that are on the pages of the bible. It's not enough to read, to recite, to claim or declare. You have to put into practice what is written. It's not based on feelings. It's based on knowing that God is a good God, and if so, He will make things better. Everything has an expiration date. Everything. Thank God for time.

It is my prayer that you have caught a glimpse of hope and that it replays in your mind over and over again until it becomes your healing-reality.

Love32 is a series of blogs, videos and posts that will raise awareness and will invite you to do life better. It will coax you to think or rethink certain areas in your life, and how you may want to change, embrace or do more. 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Goodbye Restlessness!

Look at your life. Is there a pattern of restlessness that you live with? I think that we are all guilty of that. Day after day, productivity is measured by what you do, but are you accomplishing anything, and most importantly, are you resting?

Restlessness is the constant go.When you're not doing, you feel useless, bored, fidgety and anxious. You do not know how to relax unless you're on vacation, and perhaps for you, even in a beach environment, you do not know how to shut it off. The brain and the body is wired for stimulation and the constant "do" or "go."

How do you step out of restlessness? 

First you have to get to the crux of the why you need to keep going. Does your "do" give you validation, value or self-worth? Does the fruit of your constant-toil give you great rewards? Are you seeing incredible results and that's your motivation? Or does the silence haunt you with all sorts of accusations and questions? Does guilt drive you to drown out the unanswered questions? Is boredom the constant knock on the other side of your quiet moments? Do you get anxious because you can't accomplish everything on your list? Are you a perfectionist because having control keeps order in your mind? Have you asked yourself the truth behind the why you live in the restlessness that you have created?

That last question bothered me too. but any situation that is contrary to the word of God, we have created. It was not circumstances or situations. It was our response and reaction. The word of God tells us that we are to trade our yoke to His because it's lighter, and that we should enter into His rest. If that is the case, then restlessness is the place where we believe that we need to have all under control, even our quiet time. That sounds like we don't need God. (ouch)

Did you know that your quiet time is the greatest opportunity for intimacy not only with God but with those you love the most. Your mind is quiet, your attention becomes laser-focused and you have the ability to give of yourself in intensity because there are no distractions. Rich and I decided not to put a TV on the main floor of the house so that we could encourage more uninterrupted conversation with our family. They complain sometimes that we should have a TV in at least the living room, but they have also realized that not having one slows us down and keeps us focused when talking to each other.

Slowing down is an art that takes practice over and over again. You have to intentionally choose to slow it down and shut it down. When restlessness creeps in, because it will, you need to choose not to entertain it and reassure yourself that you're doing the right thing. This is not an overnight change. It's a change you have to choose again and again on your day, hours or moments of rest...and yes you can do it.

Goodbye restlessness!

Love32 is a series of blogs, videos and posts that will raise awareness and will invite you to do life better. It will coax you to think or rethink certain areas in your life, and how you may want to change, embrace or do more. 

Remember...there is greatness in you.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Suicidal Thoughts

One would never think that simple words can be powerful. They can actually start a downward spiral unbeknownst to you. Did you know that the words that you say, create your environment? Seriously...they do.

Every negative or positive, creates what you see within your realm of influence. Tell your child they're bad long enough, and they will believe it. Tell them that they can do anything they pour their hearts into, and they will. Tell yourself that you're unlovable and you will attract significant others (yes plural) that can't love you enough. Tell yourself that you're fat and unattractive, and you will start dressing frumpy and sloppy and not care about your appearance. These repetitive thought-filled behaviors are enforced again and again, by you. It doesn't matter if it started by someone outside of you. It is your words that give whatever was said power.

What does this have to do with suicidal thoughts? Everything!

How many times have you said under your breath or in your thoughts, out of frustration, despair or even jokingly, "I can't do this anymore; I want to die; I don't want to live anymore; or I would've died?" All of those words lay down a thought-path that can be extended with additional thoughts and words.

Your reactions are not surprises. They are subconscious thoughts intertwined with behaviors that manifest because, you guessed it by now, you said it over and over again, perhaps over years and they began to take root and grow. Suicidal thoughts don't just happen overnight. They build off of constant disappointment, unshakable depression, rejection bombardment, the list can go on and on. When the pressure is too much to handle, the thoughts can gravitate towards the feelings of worthlessness and not being missed.

The reality is that you will be missed, and you're worth more than you can ever imagine. You are valuable beyond anything priceless on this earth, so much so that God sent Jesus for you. Perhaps those words mean nothing to you, but think back, just for a moment of the heartache of losing someone you loved. That is how God feels about you everyday when you're not with Him. The only way to get you back (your heart back) was to send Jesus for you. If you were the only person on this planet, He would do it again and anyway.

Suicidal thought can be captured by love. When you get preoccupied by the love thoughts like you are loved, you are valued, your worth has no earthly price-tag, and those who love you want you here - your presence as a present, it begins to shut down the suicidal thoughts. You are a gift to others and the fact that you're reading this is the reminder that you are so loved beyond what you can imagine.

P.S. There's a simple prayer to get your heart connected with Father God. You can pray it with me. Let me know if you did!

Father God, forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart and be the Lord of my life. In Jesus Name.

Love32 is a series of blogs, videos and posts that will raise awareness and will invite you to do life better. It will coax you to think or rethink certain areas in your life, and how you may want to change, embrace or do more. 

Remember...there is greatness in you.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

There is Greatness in You

There is greatness in all of us, but it requires us to tap into the source. God has given us all...in each of us...the ability to do and to do in greatness. What you decide, determines the size of your greatness. If you do small, your greatness will be in the small. If you decide to go full force, your greatness will follow.

Choose Greatness
It is in the choice where greatness shines. So if that is the case, then the celebration of becoming should be ever-constant, ever-evolving and ever-present. You may ask, why evolving? It's because celebrations are not all the same. How boring and predictable would that be? We celebrate in different ways and for different reasons. Take for instance your birthday. The greatness, the significance of your day is celebrated, so is the greatness of you, your love and your presence. It's a celebration of you at that moment in time. With age, your celebrations evolve, change in order to make your greatness known and shared.

You are great and you have greatness within you. It's not based on a feeling but you can be blinded by a lie someone created of you,
and that you have created for yourself.

The shine of your greatness will always break through the darkness and will help you get glimpses enticing you to live the truth - your truth - the design within you deposited by Almighty God. That greatness within you is something that no one can take away. No one but you can relinquish this gift because of doubt, unbelief or self-loathing. The last one is hard to hear, but it's one of the main reasons why people give up their greatness. They get tired and dislike who they are. Is that you?

Self-love...self-love is an important ingredient. (Yes, I repeated it twice for emphasis.) How do you practice this? How do you love you and ensure that you continually live in your greatness?

Find out as we dive into the journey of Love32.