Do you remember what it feels like when you hear that someone close to you is having a baby? Usually there is joy, excitement and anticipation. As the birth day gets closer, the parents become nervous and begin to wonder how they will handle the upcoming change. The day finally arrives and baby comes into the world not knowing at that time that his birth was precisely planned for that moment.
Precious Present
When we think of babies we can easily associate them with the word gift. Babies bring an immeasurable amount of joy that becomes contagious. Who can resist the smile or giggles or a tiny babe? Mothers and fathers fall deeply in love with their children at that stage. They cherish their new and precious present.
As that baby gets older, goes through adolescence and then to adulthood, they all seem to lose sight of how important they are. College, work, competition and marriage become a blur of goals. Life moves quickly until it forces them to stop and take inventory of accomplishments. Discouragement settles in when they see that their hopes and dreams are not a reality. They accept that they are like everyone else and blend in with all the other unimportant people who have decided this is just how life is.
You Are a Gift
No matter how we came into this world, how we were received, or how we grew up, we are all gifts. Some of us were acknowledged as gifts coming into this world. Others were acknowledged as gifts years later. There may have been a difference in the timing, but that didn’t change what we are. We are, you are, a gift.
Each of us brings uniqueness to the table of life. Although some of our talents may be similar, none are exactly the same. We impact people differently. We love in our own special way and have the power to change lives with our actions. We have the influence to create ripples that can cross oceans at times.
Most of us do not realize how valuable and how loved we are. We hear of how we take others for granted and forget that we do the same for ourselves. We overlook our contributions as a friend, lover, parent, and child and view them as expectations and obligations. We do not see that we’re a gift.
Sharing Love
People are in a habit of listing the praises of others when they pass away. They begin to recall all of the wonderful things that person may have done. It’s a natural inclination to do that. However, I wonder what impact we would make if we made it habit to tell those closest to us how much we love them, and acknowledge how we appreciate what they do for us while they are alive.
We all need to hear positive affirmation. We need to know that we are loved, accepted and cherished. We are all born with those essential needs. Babies know they are gifts because they are showered with love. Why should that change as we get older? We have an obligation to continue that in our homes and with those we love. In loving others we increase their value and our own. We acknowledge we are gifts and recognize they are also.
Your Worth
Too much emphasis is placed on worth based on dollars and status. Your value and worth is beyond that measure. Life is about us, not I. It’s about the joy of being with one another and experiencing this journey together through the good, the bad, and the ugly. You won’t recognize that you’re a gift until you become a gift to others. You cannot live as a gift until you bring your uniqueness to the table.
What kind of gift will you choose to be? Yes, you have a choice. You can be a big present or remain a small one. You can view others as big or as small. The emphasis you place on both will determine the outcome. Choose to be a gift. Choose to be a big gift. Let’s unwrap ourselves and those around us together.