A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Balancing the 4 F's!

Ever watched a twirler of plates? Sometimes they can have up to 12 plates on sticks rotating in the air. They control the plates by certain movements and by the balance they provide with their entire body. Often time we resemble a twirler on days when our schedule is jammed packed with activities. Each day we begin with a spin and continue to add plates throughout the day.

These plates represent certain items within the four main areas of our lives. If we live on overload, we soon learn that it is impossible to balance all of them. In today’s world, doing more is better and rest is a luxury of the past. If we are not doing something to fill the time, we consider ourselves idle and ineffective. We have programmed our minds to be busy at all times. We stimulate it with music, television, the internet, and any other means of media and communication.

Our children and teenagers, the future generation, are deprived of the use of their imagination. Information is handed to them in huge chunks. Enrichment of the mind is a wonderful thing, however, the increase and ease of technology has taken away the simplicity of life.

None of us have to write a note with a pen, or have to stick it into an envelope, seal it or stamp it, when email can do the same job in a fraction of the time. Why walk over, drive, hop a train or bus to visit family or friends everyday when they’re just a phone call away?

Sit with any elderly person and they will keep you intrigued with stories about their past for hours. They have those wonderful stories because life back then was simpler. Family, friends and community were strong and deep-rooted. They mastered the secret of balancing the 4Fs.

When you speak to an elderly person, one of the things that stand out in conversation is their strong belief system or Faith. Their conviction was not limited to their religious beliefs, but spilled over into every aspect of their lives. They believed in their abilities and were able to make things come to pass because of it.

Healthy eating wasn’t a choice back then. It was part of life. Food was home grown in most back yards. We often hear the stories of the rot and the rats and assume it is much better today. However, if you turn any box around and read the content label, most are filled with preservatives. They’ve extended the life span of our cuisines, but at what expense?
Fun was an integral part of any family and community. Imagination created all sorts of games, dances, and adventure. Folks would come over, bring their instruments and treats in anticipated-hours of enjoyment. A lot of us put two or three hour caps to this type of merriment with others. Some of us don’t know how to enjoy the company of ourselves. We’re either too far, too busy, become bored too fast, or are too tired to enjoy life.

Family time was an every-day thing. Everyone sat at the table for meals, and everyone pitched in to help. Mom and dad were available to their children daily (for more than an hour), and taught them the importance of kinship. It was not limited to their immediate circle, but included an extension of people today considered distant relatives or friends.

The balance of these 4Fs eludes us. In today’s world, we have little faith, lots of food, a warp sense of fun, and little to no family time. We wonder why our world is so chaotic, and rather sit back and wish it would get better. The reality of it is that it won’t until we all change and balance these areas in our lives.

The following weeks will cover how to balance the 4Fs of your life: Faith, Food, Fun and Family. If you really want to make a difference, I encourage you to continue reading. Perhaps you may feel that your contribution will only be a ripple effect. Imagine if we could create many ripple effects?

It’s time to bring back the simplicity and balance of life. Will you join me?

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