A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Are You Headed in the Right Direction?

Sometimes God will will overwhelm you so that you know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that you're headed in the right direction.
Your destiny, your purpose here on this earth comes to its fullness when you become sensitive to God's voice, His leading and are obedient to His word. There are no short cuts, no skipping lessons and it's always at an appointed time.
You can't get ahead of it. You have to ride it out and trust. You can't think ahead but you definitely have to plan.
God is as real as you make Him. The reason people don't believe is because they've kept Him small or have pictured Him as an unforgiving tyrant. To me, He's neither and since He's a personal experience, I can only challenge the doubters with, don't knock it until you've tried it, really tried it.
OK...back to destiny...
You are as great as you want to be. Open your heart to the possibilities because the awesomeness about it is that the adventures can be endless.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

You Are a Queen

So you’re probably wondering why I say I am a Queen – remember with a capital Q!

When we think about a Queen, we automatically think of some rich woman on a throne and honestly, most cannot relate with her. In our minds the comparison does not jive. This is why most women dismiss the compliment of being called a Queen. However, there are others who take this title to heart and a bit to the extreme, and they strut through life believing that everyone in their world has to jump at a snap of their fingers. Why does balance elude us when it comes to these types of things?

What is a Queen?

A Person of Influence
Whether you believe it or not, you influence your world. If you have children, your job is to mold them into people who can enter and contribute to society. If you don’t have children, you help mold your nieces, nephews, siblings or your friend’s children.
At your job, even if you’re not a manager, your choices and suggestions make a difference and impact in your department or organization. In your community, you affect the economy financially and if you volunteer to help with any sports or events, you inspire others through the giving of yourself.

A Person of Authority
We all have authority. We authorize who can take one of our kid’s out of school, who can be added into on of our accounts, we transact throughout our lives. We are the boss of our kids and we have clout or a say so in many arenas of our lives. To most of us it’s just routine, part of life. Part of life or not, you possess authority.

A Person of Wealth
Wealth or being rich is often times equated with money. Here is where most people miss it. You can be wealthy without having loads of money. You can have a wealth of friends, wealth of family, wealth of health, wealth of wisdom and influence. This can also be interpreted as being prosperous. When I think of how blessed I am I don’t look solely to the almighty dollar. I look at the entire picture and I smile at the realization of how incredibly blessed - wealthy I am.

A Person of Dominion
When God created Eve, He told her that she had dominion. For some reason a lot of us forget that as women. This reality roles up all of the above mentioned into this one. Our kingdom is our realm of influence, authority and wealth in our various circles. Most times we do not realize the impacts we have in the lives of others. Remember the ripple effect. A ripple becomes wider the further out it goes after a small stone is tossed into a pond.

Daughter of God
Whether you believe or not, accept it or not, you are the daughter of the King of kings.
When you realize that, all of the above make sense and begins to fall into place. You begin to see yourself differently and this is what occurs:

  1. Your standards become much higher. (Side note: This means you expect a man to treat you with love and not abuse you emotionally, verbally or physically).
  2. You understand the importance of excellence. You expect excellence. You do all in excellence. (Side note: You wait for the right man and don’t settle or accept less than. Stop making excuses.)
  3. You look for opportunities to better yourself. Remember you are an influence in your circles. Purpose in your heart to learn something new everyday.
  4. You look for opportunities to help others. When you focus on others, it stops you from asphyxiating on your current problems. You’d be surprised how you find the answers to your own problems when you help others.
  5. You understand the importance to maintain and grow healthy relationships or release bad ones.
  6. You understand that it is critical to nurture yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and socially constantly and without fail.
  7. You understand the responsibility that goes with your actions and how your actions, big or small influence your world and the world of others.
You are a Queen. I am a Queen. We are Queens.
We are Queens in God’s kingdom…act like one.
We are Queens in our home…act like one.
We are Queens wherever our pretty little feet bring us…Act like one.
It doesn’t matter if our crowns are rollers, our robes are made of terry and our throne room is the kitchen, we are Queens.
Back straight, shoulders back, heads held high.

We are Queens.

You are a Queen.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Queen Level Value

Your value is not defined by what others say or think about you. No one can impact you unless you give them the power to do so.
Your value should be so high in your pretty, little head that your norm should be the expectation of respect. It's not just lip service. It's behavior, it's treatment and it is the display of honor on queen level.
Anything less, devalues you. Your value is above rubies.

(Book cooking in the brain for 2016!)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Above Rubies

Your value is not defined by what others say or think about you. No one can impact you unless you give them the power to do so. Your value should be so high in your pretty little head that your norm should be the expectation of respect.
It's not just lip service. It's behavior, it's treatment and it is the display of honor on queen level. Anything less devalues you. Your value is above rubies. 

(Book cooking in the brain for 2016!)

Friday, May 8, 2015

Witness to Favor

Have you ever been a witness to favor?
What is favor you ask? It's preferential treatment from someone. It's done to you, not because you deserve it, but because you are loved. It's not based on what you do or don't do. It's based on grace.
What is grace you ask? It's a gift given out of love even though you did not deserve it. It encompasses forgiveness and restoration and reconciliation. All this describes how God loves.
There are good things that happen in your life that are unexplained, and I dare say they're actually kisses from heaven.
Others wonder how you are so blessed and have a great life and wonder what you are doing right. They are witnesses to God's favor in your life. It doesn't happen just because. It happens because you have relationship with the Father and they're seeing the harvest of blessings on your life through Christ Jesus.
When you become the focus of God's favor, it speaks volumes to those around you. It is the greatest way to share God's story in you and about you, without saying a word. That is Jesus they see.
This time, this era, your lifetime is such a great opportunity to show off God's love through you.
Watch your words and let people read the story of your life. Let them be a witness.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Don't Lose Hope

I look around and I see a world without hope from time to time. The news is filled with doom and gloom. It seems like society is taking steps backwards instead of forward. We hear parents say, I'm afraid of the world my kids will live in. We hear the upcoming generation say, I'm not sure I want to bring children into this world.
It can be easy to lose hope when you focus on all the negative around. It's a given that you will lose hope if your focus is on the bad in others, the bad in those closest to you, the bad in your job, the bad in your commute, the bad in the weather...get it?
There is plenty of good, but when your focus is on all the negative, your perspective becomes clouded and disjointed. You lose hope.
My kind of hope is the expectation of good, no matter how bad it's raining, no matter who's moody, no matter what is going on in the government, my job or my home. It's not a naive, I'm not aware kind of ladeeda thing, or I'm ignoring the fact that some stuff needs fixing. It is the decision not to let anything negative impact my freedom circle.
Expect good today!!!