A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Little Bird Kicks Butt!

This morning, I noticed a little bird, in hot pursuit of a crow at least 5-6x its size. She bumped him several times until he was out of her territory. The crow did not turn back and fight. As a matter of fact, he coward and was trying his best to get away from her. It was obvious she was a mama bird, as she returned to the location of where her nest must have been. If it was just for territory, I applaud her for her fearless display.

There was a lesson to be learned in what I just witnessed. The little bird often represents us. We often hover over our dreams and when the conviction runs deep, whenever a negative giant comes our way, we stand our ground. That negative giant can come in all forms but the most common one is through people. Reality is not everyone is going to share your same dream or vision. Some will be jealous. Others will think it impossible because of their negative lifestyle.

Negativity does not only come from people. It also comes from within. We let fear overtake us and let it become the driver of our actions. Fear always halts the progress of dreams. Another factor is perception. Perhaps you view yourself as less than and you were told you would never amount to anything. Don’t believe it. The expectation for you and I is greatness. In all things, we should strive for excellence. Don’t be afraid to be great. Too many times we settle in being recognized as good rather than the best. This, my friend, is not a lack of humility. It’s the endeavor to mirror God in all areas of life.

Learn to turn off the negative. Fiercely protect your dreams. Be fearless and relentless like the little bird. Be the best that you can be and don’t be afraid to chase those big, black negative lurkers from outside and within.

Recommended Reading: The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson

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