Angels are talked about often. Most times, people have been made aware of their guardian angel. However, the angelic realm goes far beyond that.
In Jesus' prayer in Matthew 6, He mentions "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, ON EARTH as it is IN HEAVEN." That is a pretty good indicator that earth is to operate like heaven. Some may believe that statement was from the time that Jesus was on earth forward, but that is not the case. The moment God put Adam and Eve in the garden, He established government and since God created heaven, it is safe to believe that He established His government on earth the same as in Heaven. (Check out Genesis 1:26-28.)
What I find interesting, is that when you look at the people of Israel and were established as nation, they had no king. It was known that God was their king. Under his dominion, there were 12 tribes. Each tribe had certain characteristics and responsibilities. If earth mimics heaven in its establishment of government, there are then different tribes of angels in heaven, since they were the ones who lived with God before we (humans) came into the picture.
We often hear of the messenger angels like when Daniel was fasting and waiting for an interpretation or when Mary had the announcement of her being the mother of the Messiah. But, there were also warrior angels.
The angel that delivered the message to Daniel said he was delayed and so Michael had to intervene and do some fighting so that he could get through.
There are guardian angels but we think of them as little floating babes when in Genesis the angels that were put in front of Eden to guard it had flaming swords.
There are ministering angels that we hear came to Jesus after his temptation and to Elijah when he was in a deep depression because Jezebel wanted his head. (Women can be evil at times. j/k...not)
There is an invisible realm with lots of activity around us that we are unaware of, but God wants us to have more sensitivity to that realm. He wants us to be aware that we are not alone and that we have a lot of backing. We have angels at our disposal. (Psalm 103:19-22, Hebrews 1:14, Matthew 18:10, Exodus 23:20, Psalm 91:11-12) It is worth reminding you that 3/4 of the angels stayed behind and chose God as sovereign ruler.
Your angels are not some floating, fat-little babies. There are some angels that look pretty darn scary. (Check out their description in Revelation.) They understand what is at stake and their mission is to protect, guard, fight and minister to you. So...what are you doing with your angels? Are you using them or boring them to death? Are you giving them a reason to worship God along side of you, or are they having to cover their eyes because you're not living a righteous life? Are you keeping your angels busy? Are you releasing them on assignments to tear down strongholds, break curses, or minister to a family member or friend? Again, what are you doing with your angels?
If we would ask God to open our eyes to see the spirit realm, it would be scary. Most of us would want to stay blissfully ignorant and blind to the reality of what is going on in the spirit realm.
Many struggle in life because they don't tap into it. They don't believe that they deserve that type of protection because of behavior or thoughts that they participate in. Is that you? The truth of the matter is that you are assigned angels. How many you gain over the years depends on your activities in the spirit realm.
We focus on what we see, but God puts merit and worth to the unseen. When you love, the ripple effects are established and experienced for generations, as a matter of fact, for eternity. Whenever you do something out of love that shows compassion or brings healing, it is a catalyst for change that's felt in the spirit realm all the way to heaven...not just around this earth. Your angels are patiently waiting for you to send them to resolve, fight or bring comfort and healing to those around you far and wide. Are you using them?
You are not to pray to angels. An angel from the Most High God would not allow it. They give glory and honor only to Him and would not take it. Only demons would accept that from you. When you're decreeing and declaring, you're also commanding. You're commanding a situation to be, even though at the present time it may not be. We have been given dominion. It was restored when Jesus rose from the dead and handed dominion back to us. You have the right as the daughter or son of the Most High God to command angels to do what they so long and want to do for you. Are you using them? What are you doing with your angels?
My prayer today is that you get deep revelation, that you can see this unknown fact in a dramatic way that it changes your life forever. Your angels are waiting for you, and the more you put them to work, and the more you step up into faith, the more will be added to you. We often hear, new devil. How about instead we focus on, new level...more angels. Put your angels to work today. They're waiting.