A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Brush It Off Like Dandruff

Brush it Off like Dandruff

Let’s face it, we’ve all have had dandruff at one point or another in our lives. When we see it, we get annoyed and brush it off. Notice I said…when. You don’t often see it if you’re wearing light-colored clothing, but you can spot it immediately if you’re wearing dark-colored clothing, especially black. The worst is when someone points it out to you, or starts brushing it off for you! It’s the making for an awkward, embarrassing or annoying moment.

Sometimes you hear family, friends or even coworkers say, “Brush it off” and find yourself biting your tongue and having all sorts of colorful thoughts in your mind. You’re smiling now because you know what I’m saying is true.

Well imagine if you were in the middle of going through something relatively hard and you heard the Holy Spirit tell you, “Brush it off like Dandruff.” What would your reaction be? You’d probably say to yourself, I’m hearing things; God has an incredible sense of humor; or what the heck???? Which would you choose? You would probably choose the latter.

So indulge me for just a moment and just imagine you heard the words “Brush it off like dandruff” and read on and find out what that would mean to you.

Many of us are immersed in stress as the norm because we entertain negative thoughts of what may be that never happens. Imagine that your mind has shoulders. (I know weird-looking brain.) The shoulders are shelves where you put stuff on. That stuff represents things like doubt, fear, worry which (by the way) rolls up as stress.

The stuff on your shoulders starts out like small flakes. You can’t see it when death is forming in your brain because it’s hidden well. (Remember dandruff is dead skin – yuck!) Once it becomes uncomfortable (itchy), it begins to come off as flakes. At first, it’s ignored because everybody thinks that way (you know, negative thoughts) and the flakes are minimal.

You don’t notice at first (because of the light clothes), but eventually it shows up (on your dark clothes) as dark moods, sad thoughts, worry, unbelief, stress, etc. It becomes extremely apparent not only to you, but to others as well.

When you brush off dandruff, you don’t usually do it with a gentle gesture. As a matter of fact, if it increases your brushing becomes an annoyed clearing of those pesky flakes.

Life’s hindrances are just like dandruff and only you can clear out any of the negatives that have perched on your mind’s shoulders.
So here comes the friend or the (not-so-shy stranger) that may point it out from time to time. Instead of getting angry, you should be grateful. Those flakes are so unbecoming and are an apparent indicator that there’s an underlying problem that you are not fixing.

So, imagine if you heard those same words, “Brush it off like dandruff” when it comes to unbelief. Hmmm…that would be another great area to dive into. (To be continued…)