A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Do I Love Me Series: The Patience Towards Me

The patience to heal will provide you a balanced life. To actively seek wholeness is God’s plan for your life. When you are healthy, you can provide or be a catalyst of healing to others. God has called you to be a healer to others and to promote wholeness as well.

The patience to forgive will provide you a cleansed life. When you forgive yourself, you tell God that you accept His full forgiveness and that the power of the cross, the blood that was shed for you is more than enough. You mimic Jesus and love the way that the Father has asked you to love.

The patience to let go of something or someone will keep your life aligned. God will put in your path people that will help you reach your greatest potential. If you do those things that are beneficial to you, it will give you the push to be all that God has seen in you before the creation of the earth. Amazing…isn’t it?

The patience to endure will keep you steadfast. To endure yourself means that you will have the patience to endure others in your life because you recognize that we’re all human. We are all on a destination and you need to love you despite where you may be presently at.

The patience to get where you are going will keep you on the right path. That path is yours alone. No one else can walk in it for or with you for too long. It can be a lonely journey or it can be peppered with the right people that God sends to you. He will bring people that will help you get to where you are going because it requires team to do what God has called you to do.

The patience to become a better you will keep you humble. It is not based on what others have said about you but what God says. Your measurement is against His standards and therefore, you remove all expectations that society or culture may have placed. You understand your position and your role in God’s kingdom and apply the servant
approach to all things.

Your Declaration

I am long suffering towards myself because it is the way I show love to my inner gal. I will be patient and choose to heal my inner gal. I will be patient and choose to forgive me. I will be patient and will release that something or someone that is a hindrance to my spirit and soul. I will be patient in my journey and will endure where I am at because I have the blessed hope to get where I am going and to become a better me. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Do I Love Me?

Do I love me?

Sounds like a selfish question, but it is not. Often we look at 1 Corinthians, chapter 13, as the love chapter for others, but it is supposed to start with us…you and me. The reality is that if I can’t love myself, I can’t love another fully and correctly. If I constantly pour myself out or keep others first, I will deplete or give what I don’t have eventually. If I continually pour into another, it will hurt me because it will create an emotional gap. Even if I’m following 1 Corinthians 13 to the best of my ability, but don’t apply it first and foremost to me, I will eventually die or create a grave for myself emotionally.

Your inner gal needs to be nurtured. She needs to know that you love her and that means that you give her the time and attention that she needs. To love me is to stop and to ask, what is it that I need today emotionally? What am I missing in the rush of doing life? Am I really balanced inside or am I teetering?

Often, we pray and ask God to heal different parts of our soul and then wait. But, that’s not how God works. He always provides guidelines on how to heal. He requires that we take certain steps and certain actions in order to heal. Often, those steps are really hard. No one likes hard, but isn’t that how we grow?

God loves you too much to keep you where you’re at. He loves you too much to keep you at a place of disappointment, of hurt and of depletion. He wants so much for you.

God wants abundance and yet many of us live in the shadow of fullness. We don’t live wholly because the picture that we have painted for ourselves is that of a sacrificial gal. We say, “God will be pleased with us because we serve, because we are women who give of ourselves and because this is what is expected of us.” This picture that has been painted for many of us is far from the truth. God wants us to serve the most important person in our lives first…ourselves.

The question is…do you love yourself enough to do that?