A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Your Heart Motivation

What is the motivation of your heart, at this moment…right now? You know, the deep emotions that help you make choices.

A woman’s emotions are the driving factor for many of her decisions. Unlike our male counterpart, many of us have not mastered the logical side of decision making. I have to say, it is one of the many things we do become aware of, and we adapt to as we get older. That’s the good news! But, what should be done in the meantime?

1. Pray. Run everything by God. He will reel you in when the tears and the raging hormones 
    want to throw you into a fit of panic or sheer witchiness. (By the way, neither are Godly.)
      2. Bounce your emotions against a girlfriend that is more balanced than you, and will tell you the 
          truth. (You don’t need a “Yes girl, I know what you’re going through” gal, at this moment.)

     3.  Ask yourself, is what I’m experiencing and feeling right now, influence me to make the right 
          decision without regrets in the future?

What does all of this have to do with the motivation of your heart? Everything.

A woman, who is cynical, will look at life through the eyes of sarcasm. Her mannerism and responses will always be like a hot, scalding iron.

A woman, who is a people pleaser, will look at life as the constant obligation to say yes and be liked. Her life is filled with insecurity, and she is the shadow of her real self.

A woman, who has been or is being abused, will look at life with fear and will ensure that she protects herself in ways that keep her imprisoned. Her life is filled with excuses and blame.

A woman, who lacks confidence, will look at life as an impossible journey filled with pitfalls and distractions. Her life is lived with caution and dismay. Unfortunately, life continues to pass her by.

Perhaps, you do not relate to any of these women, but I bet you are guilty of having the wrong motivation at one time or another. You have said something you really did not mean. You made a decision that was wrong, because your heart motivation lead you down the wrong path. You lied to someone, or screamed at them, or did something to hurt them, because the thought of getting even was alluringly sweet at the moment.

The motivation of the heart, your heart, has a tendency of being your guide. The bible says that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Therefore, given that fact, the motivation of your heart also causes you to speak words that may hurt you and others, as well as bless yourself and others.

There are times that a heart inventory is in order, but it cannot be done unless the inventory includes the motivation of each of your thoughts and actions behind it. What is the motivation of your heart this moment? What are you contemplating or dwelling on?

Perhaps it’s time for you to take inventory and pray.

It’s in those quiet moments, when we ask God to keep us holy, that we find where our true motivations lie.