A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Watch Your Conduct

One day a friend of mine called and began to share the hardships that she was having with her husband. Before I could catch myself, (my mouth sometimes gets ahead of me), I told her, you need to watch your conduct.

Needless to say, she got very quiet on the other end and I began to tell her the reasons why. It’s been a while since that conversation. Things have changed in her household, not only with her husband but with her children as well. She watches her conduct.

The way you act, the way you respond to those around you, creates, establishes and maintains your environment. Women set the tone of the home. If that is true, a home that is not a safe and/or peaceful haven has a tendency to point to you, the woman. Before you disagree, I am well aware that a woman responds to her man. However, when a man is incapable to give you want God expects of Him, you have to make a choice. Will you let him dictate your moods or will you rise above and be the God gal that you’re supposed to be.

Your conduct, how you act and respond is not to those around you but to Him above you. Your conduct should align vertically. If God will frown upon it, you shouldn’t do it. Unconditional love takes work. It doesn’t come naturally.  Unconditional love forces you to look at you first and see your shortcomings. We are so ready to point fingers and list grievances, but fail to look within.

Weigh your words. Weigh your responses. Be conscientious of the faces you make, the muttering under your breath,  the sighs, ughs and gggrrrrrsss. Your conduct reflects Christ. If you want your home, your relationships and your environment to be ideal, look within. Nobody dictates your mood but you.

Easier said than done…absolutely, but not impossible.