A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Live Like Your Leaving

Remember the time when you sat in class and were asked by the teacher to write where you think your life would be 5 years from now. No doubt, this request was met with groans and trepidation as you began to wonder what to write. With a night or two to ponder, most of us probably sat and stared at a blank piece of paper for hours. In our heads we debated whether to write the truth or fabricate an interesting future. Five years seemed like an eternity in our teenage years, but we soon found out that time slips by and does not wait for anyone.

Time can be viewed as a friend or as an enemy, depending on where you’re at in life. Our scales are tipped based on our choices and input. We hold sole responsibility for the life we have created today. Think about it. How many of us have scared ourselves out of achieving, frustrated our plans by underachieving, and have become stagnant because we hold on to past achievements? Why is it that we choose to live that way?

No Urgency For Change
Life’s journey will always brings change in our hearts and minds, and shakes us out of our comfort zone from time to time. This happens when monumental moments or decisions are made, or when tragedy or sickness occurs. During those times, our perception sharpens, and our energy and focus increases. Time is treated with tender care, and our awareness of it sets us in a place of appreciation. We no longer let the trivial bother us, and we learn to cherish small gestures and all memories.

There are movies, books, and songs that try to convey the importance of living life to the fullest. Some movies go as far as recounting real stories of people who have struggled with illnesses and have survived or have succumbed. Sometimes these stories move us to tears, guilt, shame or frustration because we know that we lack. We begin to wonder what would we do different if we were in their shoes, however, unlike these people, we never feel like we’re running out of time. There is no urgency for change.

Although some stories may strike a chord, the impact is temporary or short-lived. Our routine comes back into play and swallows up our unresolved issues and unfulfilled dreams. Days become weeks, weeks…months, and months become years. Every once in a while, we acknowledge time is moving forward and our excuses soon become, ‘It’s too late or I’m too old’.

Are You Too Conservative?A story that stands out in my mind is one where Queen Latifah played a woman who found out she had a rare disease and only had months to live. After she heard the news, she threw caution to the wind and cashed out her investments, traveled to a place she always dreamed of, ate all the gourmet meals her heart desired, overindulged in any pamper routine, took up a few challenges, overcame her fear to fall in love, and relished every moment. At the end, she finds out she was misdiagnosed but walks away with valuable lessons that she applies in her new chance and approach towards life.

Live Like You’re Leaving
People say we should live like today is our last day. We automatically think of death and forget that there is another event that can take us away as quick as a blink of an eye. Jesus has promised to come back for those who love and serve Him. Whether we choose to believe it or not, either event will bring us before the throne of God, and then what?

Imagine standing before the Creator being asked ‘what have you done for me while you were on the earth; what have you done with the talent that I’ve deposited in you; and how was it used’? ‘Um’ would not be a good answer, nor will the reply ‘I was too busy’ go over well, and forget the excuse of ‘I was scared and lived conservatively’.

Why is it important that we bring, how we live, to the forefront of our minds? Life remains empty, meaningless, and without purpose if we are not walking and living in our destiny. We cheat ourselves and others when we don’t fulfill our dreams. Whether we like it or not, accept it or not, acknowledge it or not, we impact hundreds, sometimes thousands and millions of lives by the way we live.

When we choose to live like we’re leaving, we forget self and we begin to live for and with others in mind. We love deeper, laugh harder, and live fully. You are here for a purpose. You were strategically placed and were given a unique gift. When you do not seek out the why you are here, who you are, and settle for less than, it becomes your declaration that you’ve rejected the greatest gift given to you…life.

None of us have to wait for bad news for a new approach. Each day we are offered a brand new start. Don’t waste your numbered days. Resurrect your high school assignment, and live in the reality of your dreams.