A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Do You Really Know?

He goes down on one knee, holds her hand and looks lovingly into her eyes. He holds his breath and hopes that she’ll say yes. He sighs with relief, once she nods, as tears brim from both their eyes. If you’re as mushy as I am, you’d probably get teary eyed too as you reminisce that same day and remember the love you felt at that exact moment. Isn’t memory an incredible and wonderful thing?

To Know Love
People often equate love as a feeling and describe it as the butterfly in the stomach, tight chest, ‘I can’t live without you’ emotion. For those of us who have been married for a while, we know and understand that love is beyond feeling. It’s about knowing.

Over the years couples have a tendency to fall into the trap of complacency, and it is easy to take our partners for granted. However, we soon discover that complacency goes only so far, and that relationships are destroyed when there is no growth. A marriage relationship, like any other relationship, needs to continually evolve, and with it, love deepens and is expressed in different ways that may not produce a feel but confirms a knowing. Although one or the other in the relationship does not feel all of the time, love is always present.

We were all created to love and be loved, and there’s an instinctive need to receive and give affection, share and be heard and also feel a part of. No doubt, all of us have heard that God loves us, and instinctively we’ve replied “Oh that’s nice or oh I know that”, but do we really know? Do you really know?

When people look at the world and their lives, many wonder if there really is a God of love out there. They’ve been conditioned to dismiss the existence of evil and have labeled any type of misfortune as life, politics, mother-nature, and anything else that can be used as an explanation or excuse. Some can’t relate to God’s love because they go by what they hear and see, and their assessment is based on religion and not relationship. Others struggle with the acceptance of God’s love because their relationship with Him is non-existent, distant, convenient, poor, obligated or religious.

To know God’s love is to have experienced it. Love, God’s love is personal. It can’t be learned from another person. It can’t be understood by watching someone else. It’s very intimate, and it is based on a one-on-one relationship.

The depth of love that you experience is based on the extent of the relationship. Anyone can say they love you, but the meaning or impact of those words is dependent on the investment you’ve made. If God is just a Sunday or Holiday supreme-being, you’ll accept His love on certain days. If God is an acquaintance, you’ll accept His love from afar. If God is an occasional friend, you’ll accept His love with limitation.

What’s mind blowing is that God is always on bended knee, asking for our hand. What boggles the mind even further is that His love for us remains constant and is not dependent on our choice or belief. There are no strings; it just is…if you know.