A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Friday, September 7, 2012

This Mama's Value

For the past 2 years, we have the privilege of watching this bird create a nest outside our living room window. What came to mind was when Jesus said, "look" at the birds of the air. He didn't start the sentence with "The".  He said look and that means that there must have been birds nearby that he pointed to.  He used a live illustration to get a point across. 

In Israel you have harsh conditions and it begs to make anyone wonder how birds survive. I remember when we were in the fortress of Masada, there were birds called Tristrams. When you look around there’s only desert for miles around. Where did they get food? How did they hide from the scorching sun? Where do they get drinkable water?

Considering the harsh winter we had, I was surprised my mama bird survived. I had to ask myself where did she go to survive the harsh winter and how did she sustain herself. 

Of course I went back to Jesus’ parable and as I read, I glanced up once again at the mama bird perched outside my window. Look at the birds of the air (in my case the nest), they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable then they? (NIV)

Most people will emphasize the message “not to worry,” but do not stop long enough to unpack the nugget that Jesus mentions right before that.  Are you not much more valuable then they?

You and I are valuable. We have value.

When you grasp how valuable you are as an individual, it ushers in the realization of how loved you are by God. The love of God is something many of us share but few of us experience. It’s hard to explain the depth of love. People cannot understand it until they experience it. You can be a Christian and not have experienced the depth of God’s love. I think that’s why this story is sweet, it’s nice, it’s hopeful but it carries no weight for many. You see, love doesn’t get quantified until there’s relationship. In order for me or you to feel value from someone, there has to be relationship and not just any relationship. The relationship has to be deep for there to be trust.

Here’s the beauty of this whole message though. God’s willingness to care for you is not based on the depth of your relationship with Him. However, your belief of His willingness is based on the investment you place in your relationship with Him. The more you know God (not ‘of’ God), the easier it will be for you to expect God’s goodness and provision.

So each morning when I look out my window, yea I can be reminded not to worry because He’s got it. But…I think I like the “I’m much more valuable” message a lot better. I am valuable to God. He views me with value. He thinks highly of me. I am precious to Him.

Today, slow down and look at the birds of the air. Smile and know that you are valuable and therefore, well taken care of.