A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Evil Twins

The other day as I looked out the window I noticed that there were two cats out in my backyard. The one that was perched on a tree stump had his back away from the black cat that was in hunt mode. I knew this only because I had watched how big cats hunt for prey on the Discovery Channel the other night. I found it quite comical that what I learned was reinforced by this small runt who carefully and quite purposely made sure that his hind paws landed where his front paws were as he slowly inched towards his targeted victim. This stepping pattern ensures silence. Fortunately the poor bird that would’ve been breakfast heard him and flew away. The black cat had no other recourse but to perch himself on another stump and wait.

The pair reminded me of the evil twins; Suicide and Death.

A lot of us would like to dismiss spirituality and rather tie all of these types of tragedies to illness, be it mental or physical. Some of us feel comfortable in knowing there’s a good higher power but rather not imagine or think about any dark forces. However, during the holidays we hear time and again of people who have decided to end it. Have you ever wondered why? Is it really just the blues?

Suicide does not have a first name or a title. It doesn’t deserve one. Just like the black cat, it moves quietly in stealth mode. It gives its position away when it inadvertently steps into the wrong territory. In the instance with the black cat, it stepped on broken branches. Those branches represent the voices that snap folks back into reality causing them to refocus and regain the right perspective. Unfortunately there are some who can no longer hear and that’s when the evil twins team up for the kill. Suicide quietly moves towards its victim until it snatches them up. Once in its clutch, Death who is always nearby comes in to claim his latest casualty. Unlike his brother, Death waits in openness…he always has a target within his sight.

Sounds like something that can become a sci-fi story…ha? But what if it is not?

Okay so by now you’re asking yourself, “Why so glum a blog Roz during the holiday season?”

Look around. How many of your friends or acquaintances have become either blue or withdrawn. Perhaps you’ve interpreted that as their needing space. What if that’s not the case?

True you can’t get in someone’s face who truly doesn’t want you around but it never ever hurts to try to love on someone. What if you came around just when they needed you most?

Love comes in all different ways. Kindness is one of its fruits. A smile, a hug, or even a touch on the arm can go a long way. We’ve become a society that is so busy that we have placed the spirit of Christmas in the backseat somewhere, and have forgotten its true drive.

The spirit of the Christmas holiday is Love, not should be it just IS.

Christmas IS Love.

It’s seeking out those you haven’t seen or heard from a while. So what if it’s been months or years.You may be the voice that they need to hear, the embrace they may need to feel, or the heart that they may need to connect with.

You can be the voice that deters someone from giving up.
You have the power, each of us have the power, to deter the evil twins. Love will always cripple evil Suicide. This in turns forces death to move somewhere else. All that is needed from us is the stepping up of our sensitivity to those within our circle, be it on the outskirts or right outside of it, or within our immediate reach.

We alone will not be able to reach everyone, but collectively we can foil their plans time and time again. No, we cannot save everyone, but what do you think happens when we do not all pull our weight in life’s journey? What are we here for? It surely isn’t for constant self-gratification. If all you think and invest in is self that’s all you’ll ever have….self. That’s a lonely place to be at. Life is not about me or you. It’s about us.

Whether you believe in the spirit world or not, let’s not forget those who need from us emotionally.The best present we can give anyone is that of ourselves and this, my friend, is a gift that can be given over and over again no matter what time of the year we’re in.

Merry Christmas