A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Me and Gardening...Ha Ha!

Brave little me decided to try my hand at starting my own modest flower bed. I’ve been living up here for a few years and have never even attempted planting anything. I do not possess a green thumb and have killed every single house plant given to me. Yet for some insane reason, my creative juices gave me the impulsive notion that it was time to try something new. So like any other newbie, I went in search for Mums (flowers for the upcoming season) and chose the colors that would be pretty and stand out. (How girlie of me.) I even decided to buy a small, cute little fence to go with my creation as part of the design.

Well imagine me proud as can be with all my supplies when my other half began to ask if I had a plan. A plan…who in the world has a plan when trying to create a flower bed? Obviously every one except the creative newbie. In my mind when I first thought of this project, Mums across the house seemed like a good idea. However, as I stood in front of the bed, my vision just didn’t match what the bed needed.

As I knelt down to dig, my husband continued providing guidance by telling me that I had to clear the mulch, dig the holes a certain way, make sure I poured a certain amount of water, break up the mum roots for each bunch, and make sure I covered and patted down the dirt correctly. What happened to a relaxing afternoon of gardening?

Being the teacher that I am, of course I looked at this whole endeavor from a learning perspective. It was no surprise that at first this whole thing frustrated me to no end. Being a hands-on person has its benefits. You know work it out first, look at the instructions or books only if you get stuck. This little routine works most of the time, but there are just certain times in life where you have to swallow the pride, listen to instruction, and do as you’re coached; especially when it’s coming from people who’ve done whatever it is a lot longer than you have.

Although, I didn’t exactly follow all the steps in the right order and received much needed help towards the end, the final outcome was better than what I had envisioned.

I truly believe that God has a great sense of humor, and He takes advantage of these little comedy scenes (ok its comical now) to help me understand life a little better. I mean, here I am excited with my little vision of how things should look in my front yard, but the need changed my plans. Next I wanted to do it alone, my way, but had to admit I needed help. It, of course, got worst. I had to accept help.

God reminded me what relationship with Him is like at times. We envision something a certain way based on want not need, and we want to go about it in our own way. Eventually, though, we all come to the place where we admit we need help and accept it. Without fail, the final outcome turns out to be much better than what was first imagined.

Me and Gardening...Ha Ha. Who would have thought!