A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Magnificent Mayra

Have you ever referred to anybody as magnificent? Yesterday I had the opportunity to do just that. We celebrated my “2nd” sister’s (milestone) birthday. (I cannot say which milestone as I am under the women’s code of silence of not divulging any age after year 25.)

I call her my 2nd sister because as you get older, the importance of family takes on deeper meaning. Although she is known as my sister-in-law to many, to us she is just another one of us. We feel the same about her entire family. There is no distinction.

A game at the party required we write a word to a letter of the alphabet on an index card, and a little paragraph on why we chose that declaration to describe her. It was fun because it gave us all an opportunity to kid around. It also provided us the chance to tell her what she meant to us and gave her a glimpse of how she is seen by others; especially those closest to her. My letter was M and my first impulse was to write the word Magnificent.

I am blessed with being surrounded by very strong women. What excites me most is watching how a lot of us have stepped up in the passing of the torch. There has been quite a bit of trail forging, and in doing so, it has magnified the significance of becoming a magnificent woman.

Although my sister is 12 years my junior, her wisdom surpasses most women I know at my age. (Forget it, I’m not telling you my age either.) Observing her over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of seeing her morph into a valiant woman who has not only found her voice, but also empowers others to find their own. She is a deep-well of knowledge who is not afraid of dropping her bucket as far down as she can in her thirst for acquiring more.

So what makes her so magnificent? Her ability to grow and adapt, her teachable spirit, her compassion, and selfless giving, are just a few attributes that automatically come to mind. Her qualities undoubtedly classify her as being impressive to the mind or spirit. This is actually one of the connotations for the word magnificent (by the way).

Without a doubt, this describes my sister. M for “Magnificent” Mayra for that is what she is.

Happy Birthday Mayra!!!!!