A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

To Live or To Exist?

The valleys in upstate New York are magnificent during the Spring. One can see an array of colors as life begins to renew itself. There are purple hues across the mountains, evidence that trees are starting to bud. Spring not only brings life, but also contentment, and excitement to all who live in the northeast as we look forward to warmer weather.

Dormant Trees

A lot of trees in our area go into dormant state during the winter. They go through a series of biochemical processes during autumn that serve as protection during the cold months. They lose their leaves, branches become bare, and growth virtually stops. The trees look as though life have left them.

Imagine for one moment that you are one of those trees. How would you feel if someone thought you were barely alive because your branches had no leaves? If they could hear you, perhaps you would say something like, “How could you not know I am dormant? Don’t you know I will bud in the right season?” Fortunately trees do not talk. If they did most of us would run away.

How Are You Living?
If we were to walk around your tree, what would we see? Would we see buds, flowers, or bear branches? How does that question make you feel? If it makes you feel uncomfortable, chances are that it is time to take inventory of your life.

Most of us do not like to soul-search because it forces us to acknowledge areas that may hurt and require change. We’d rather ignore these sore spots, and like the trees, our issues go into a dormant state. Hurt makes one shut down. When we choose not to deal with issues, our spirit eventually begins to look a lot like the bare tree that exists and no longer lives.

The Bare Minimum
Existing is actually described as living on the minimum level. A lot of people choose to live on the bare minimum, and eventually go into automatic as a result of it. Everything becomes habitual. Life turns into a comfortable existence. Folks who fall into this complacency hide behind the façade of routine. Each morning they wake up with a list of things that need to be completed. This list can become quite extensive. If they’re married and have children, it can be overwhelming. In order to survive, they shift into automatic, so that they can maintain some sanity in their fast-paced home. Is this beginning to sound like you?

Perhaps you think that this is not a bad thing. We should incorporate schedules and good practices. We would probably all agree that routines are a necessary part of life. However, routines can also become detrimental when one chooses to hide behind them. When this happens, personal growth is not evident, and life’s opportunities are ignored or missed.

Detrimental Routines
Have you ever seen people that are so busy that they don’t have time to enjoy life or their loved ones? Perhaps you’re guilty of doing this from time to time. You’ll create patterns that keep you busy at work, church, or at home. You may feel obligated to meet deadlines, go beyond the call of duty, or obsess to keep a spotless house. In a balanced environment, this would be commendable. However, when the focus is tipped towards one particular area, it becomes hurtful.

For example, routines that include 12-hour work days, 6 days a week, will hurt your family emotionally and spiritually. If you’re a woman there, you are considered, the heart of the home. It is hard to show affection when you’re exhausted. If you’re a man, you’re the spiritual leader of the home. It becomes quite difficult for you to maintain the sensitivity that you need to hear from God when you’re brain is fried.

To Live or To Exist
We are all born with a unique purpose and talents. What we choose to do with our purpose and talents are based on how we live. If you live at bare minimum, you will be unable to tap into your purpose and, you will not be able to unearth your talents. They will remain dormant inside of you, unless you provide the right conditions for growth.

God didn’t call us to exist or to live on the bare minimum. He does not want us to remain in a dormant state. He expects us to live and live life to the fullest. You cannot do this if you remain hidden behind routine. Growth, in any area of our lives, demands change. Change forces us to get out of our comfort zone, adjust the way we think, let go of the past, or perhaps even ask or offer forgiveness.

Why remain bare and lifeless, when your buds are waiting to bloom? Start to live and usher in the Spring of your season.

To live or to exist, that, my friend, should no longer be the question.