A woman can experience emotional wholeness. She just needs to learn more about herself...more about who she really is.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Women Who Bless

Some women don’t realize how valuable they are and how they impact others. I met one such woman recently. I was walking through one of the towns near my home and noticed that there was a craft store. The first thing I noticed when I walked in was her beautiful cards. To my heart’s delight I found out that she taught a class once a week on one of my favorite hobbies; card making.

Often times, women will pursue their passion and not realize how they impact others just by being the best at what they do. It doesn’t matter where it’s happening, but it’s so important that women continue to make it happen. By giving of themselves, they are actually choosing to bless. Sometimes we get so hung up on the day to day that we don’t realize that we constantly pour into others. In case you’re feeling like this today, please read on. Perhaps you’ll find that your mindless-routine is actually viewed as a gift to others.

Being a Mom

I’ll never understand why society downplays the role of a mom, especially one who decides to stay home. I, for the most part, worked outside of the home, but admired the women who were able to make the choice to care full time for their children. If you are a mom, you know that this is one of the hardest jobs on earth. It’s thankless, has long hours, exhausting, and can be quite unfair at times. Yet love pushes a woman way passed her limits. What’s incredible is the steadfastness of her role throughout the years. She remains the one person that you can always depend on. You’ll also find that in most cases, the giving of herself is not limited just to her family, but often branches out to anyone who interacts with them. My mom has forged a legacy that will be hard to surpass. She has touched and impacted countless lives, just by doing what she does best; having compassion and caring for others.

Being a Teacher
Many times when we think of teachers we automatically place them in a school setting. I’ve had many teachers who never taught in a class room. They just specialized in life lessons. My family is filled with women who are matriarchs. They have strong characters, some times so much so, you’d be afraid to cross them. Each one of them contributed a certain part of themselves. How many women today are available to those they love and are there to guide us, but are passed over because of age? One thing I’ve gained with the passing of time is the appreciation of listening to the voices of wisdom. After a while you start to understand that it is easier to apply advice given, then get burned by experience.

Being a Mentor
Some of these same women take on a more structured role and become mentors. They make it their mission to speak into our lives. They become our coach and cheer us on with the decisions that will forge our future. Their happiness is our success. I wish there were more women like this in the world. Perhaps if we took the time to listen more and apply what we learn, there would be a lot less heart ache. A lot of these advisers are a well of wealth, yet seldom see any gratitude in action, especially after their grasshoppers are gone.

Being a Business Woman
A lot of us have nailed this particular area down. We’re masters at the art of climbing and applying. Our gift for creative gabbing has placed us where we want to be for the most part. If we’re secure in our position, we often discover that the more we know, the easier it is to help others, and the more we help others, the more we begin to network; a win, win situation. However, what some women fail to see is the opportunity to be a positive influence in the work environment. For those who discovered this pleasure, the rewards are beyond what a paycheck could ever give.

Being The Best You
The greatest thing that any of us can do is to be ourselves and be the best at whatever we do. In doing so, we choose to bless anyone who crosses our path. I rejoice whenever a woman finds her voice. I’m elated when a woman finds her niche and purpose. True most of us have several roles, but learn how to take each of them with stride. Remember even though you may not see how you impact others today, it doesn’t mean there is nothing going on in the unseen realm.

I bet just like many of us, my new teacher didn’t realize that her passion for her craft made her a woman who chose to bless me by sharing her gifting and talent in card making.

Thanks Christine.