Sometimes, God quiets us down so that He can speak clearly to our hearts. Tonight is one of those times for me. I am reading this book that created so many questions for me. I kept asking God what He was trying to tell me. I knew I did not pick up the book by accident. There was a message and I wanted to know what it was. The book made me uncomfortable to the point where I kept putting it down in frustration. It is hard to receive something when you have a prejudice or reservation against certain gifts. The prophetic realm is an area where my cautions run deep, but just because I’m dubious doesn’t mean that gifting is not a reality.
One thing is for certain. You can’t hear if you’re not listening. For three days we’ve been going back and forth, yes God and I, to the point where I started getting up at night. Then bam it hit me this morning, “Oh I’m being woken up so I can pray (duh)”. When you’re a mom and wife, there is just no quiet time. Even your bathroom time is invaded. It made so much sense that a sleepless, middle of the night would grab my attention, especially since there would be no interruptions.
At first when I heard what God was trying to relay to me for days, it just didn’t make sense. Then all of the sudden several messages that I had been hearing and reading came together and I had an AHA moment. Once I got it, I knew I had to share with those closest and unbeknownst to me. He said it so clearly I had to get out of bed to write it so that I could capture the message fresh and clearly on paper.
He said: “Ministry is an overflow of relationship and not the other way around.” Too many of us get hung up in the results of ministry that we forget relationship. We base how we are doing with God based on the positive results of ministry. We forget that the Word of God will never come back null and void. It is living power. God honors His word in those who receive it. It changes anyone who will accept it. It does not change a person based on how it is imparted.
There are times where God will purposely sit a person down and give them a time out to get their attention. It trips people up because they feel idle and useless in the kingdom. However, God’s purpose is to show them the importance of relationship. Relationship with God is first and foremost. When you have relationship, you’re in sync with God, walk with God, hear and listen to God, get direction from God, receive warning from God, and live the will of God. When you’re in relationship with your ministry, you’re in sync with the need that you see, you go based by what you hear around you, you go by gut by what you grasp, flags go up based on your environment – not your spirit, and you’re in God’s permissible will.
When you put God first in your life, it’s a biblical principle for all other things to follow, not the other way around. Too many of us have gotten comfortable because of the growth or direction of our ministries. However, don’t fool yourselves. If there is no relationship, you’re not pleasing God, only those around you. It is worth so much more when you hear God saying you are doing well; keep going, then to have a constant pat on your back from those who don’t know the condition of your heart. God knows all, sees all, and we remain transparent before Him. Relationship brings constant change, renewing of the mind, and changing of the heart. It brings maturity, deeper commitment, and takes us into a different level. It opens up a different realm, a spiritual one that empowers us.
Our overflow is the gift that God can use because He is real to us. How can we preach or share a real God, if we don’t take the time to nurture a “real” relationship, just a passing one? Think of it this way, your relationship with God should be deeper than you’re marriage connection. When you’re married for a long time, there’s a tendency to take the person you live with and see day in and day out for granted. You assume they know what you’re thinking, what you need, and what you want. If you don’t keep communicating, you drift and lose what you once had. You can talk to someone every day and not be connecting. As a matter of fact, you can even be emotionally detached.
I believe that God is calling us into relationship, not just one of appearance, but one that is genuine and consistent. What you have is not what pleases God. Who you are is all that matters to Him. Jesus was known for shooting from the hip and he didn’t sugar coat any of his messages. He hasn’t changed; we’ve just forgotten in our comfort what he said in
Matthew 7. Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord Lord’, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father… Many will say to me that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you…”.
Perhaps, it’s time for some of us to question if we’re in relationship overflow or in the “I never knew you” ministry? As harsh as that may sound, I think it’s one of the best love messages I received. God loves me so much that He reminded me He always wants me to get closer. He loves you so much that He asked me to share this with you.
Be Blessed.
One thing is for certain. You can’t hear if you’re not listening. For three days we’ve been going back and forth, yes God and I, to the point where I started getting up at night. Then bam it hit me this morning, “Oh I’m being woken up so I can pray (duh)”. When you’re a mom and wife, there is just no quiet time. Even your bathroom time is invaded. It made so much sense that a sleepless, middle of the night would grab my attention, especially since there would be no interruptions.
At first when I heard what God was trying to relay to me for days, it just didn’t make sense. Then all of the sudden several messages that I had been hearing and reading came together and I had an AHA moment. Once I got it, I knew I had to share with those closest and unbeknownst to me. He said it so clearly I had to get out of bed to write it so that I could capture the message fresh and clearly on paper.
He said: “Ministry is an overflow of relationship and not the other way around.” Too many of us get hung up in the results of ministry that we forget relationship. We base how we are doing with God based on the positive results of ministry. We forget that the Word of God will never come back null and void. It is living power. God honors His word in those who receive it. It changes anyone who will accept it. It does not change a person based on how it is imparted.
There are times where God will purposely sit a person down and give them a time out to get their attention. It trips people up because they feel idle and useless in the kingdom. However, God’s purpose is to show them the importance of relationship. Relationship with God is first and foremost. When you have relationship, you’re in sync with God, walk with God, hear and listen to God, get direction from God, receive warning from God, and live the will of God. When you’re in relationship with your ministry, you’re in sync with the need that you see, you go based by what you hear around you, you go by gut by what you grasp, flags go up based on your environment – not your spirit, and you’re in God’s permissible will.
When you put God first in your life, it’s a biblical principle for all other things to follow, not the other way around. Too many of us have gotten comfortable because of the growth or direction of our ministries. However, don’t fool yourselves. If there is no relationship, you’re not pleasing God, only those around you. It is worth so much more when you hear God saying you are doing well; keep going, then to have a constant pat on your back from those who don’t know the condition of your heart. God knows all, sees all, and we remain transparent before Him. Relationship brings constant change, renewing of the mind, and changing of the heart. It brings maturity, deeper commitment, and takes us into a different level. It opens up a different realm, a spiritual one that empowers us.
Our overflow is the gift that God can use because He is real to us. How can we preach or share a real God, if we don’t take the time to nurture a “real” relationship, just a passing one? Think of it this way, your relationship with God should be deeper than you’re marriage connection. When you’re married for a long time, there’s a tendency to take the person you live with and see day in and day out for granted. You assume they know what you’re thinking, what you need, and what you want. If you don’t keep communicating, you drift and lose what you once had. You can talk to someone every day and not be connecting. As a matter of fact, you can even be emotionally detached.
I believe that God is calling us into relationship, not just one of appearance, but one that is genuine and consistent. What you have is not what pleases God. Who you are is all that matters to Him. Jesus was known for shooting from the hip and he didn’t sugar coat any of his messages. He hasn’t changed; we’ve just forgotten in our comfort what he said in
Matthew 7. Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord Lord’, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father… Many will say to me that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you…”.
Perhaps, it’s time for some of us to question if we’re in relationship overflow or in the “I never knew you” ministry? As harsh as that may sound, I think it’s one of the best love messages I received. God loves me so much that He reminded me He always wants me to get closer. He loves you so much that He asked me to share this with you.
Be Blessed.